Sunday, October 6, 2013


I have been driving taxis for the past eleven years in the city of Hobart in Tasmania, Australia's southern island state.
As a Christian, over the years, I have probably had many opportunities to witness for the Lord Jesus Christ by sharing something of my faith, and thereby planting seeds of the gospel in the hearts and minds of my passengers. Sadly, though, many of those opportunities I have let slip by, without saying a word. 
Recently, I picked up two adult women, a mother and her grown daughter, probably in her late twenties. As soon as we commenced the journey, the daughter asked me the pointed question: "Do you believe in God?", to which I replied in the affirmative. In a short space of time, possibly only about thirty seconds, she very succinctly stated the gospel in a nutshell, that she believed God loved the world so much that he sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the Cross in our place and for our sins, and that if we believe in Him, we will be saved and have eternal life.
I was blessed to have picked up two Christians, but also was somewhat challenged by this young woman's courage, and boldness in declaring her faith and love for the Lord. I thought that, no doubt, she had probably asked other taxi drivers the same question, and had continued to present her condensed, but accurate gospel message - and probably, at times,had been told that they did not believe, or that they were not interested.
It was easy for me to share my faith in the Lord when I was an announcer on Christian radio stations in New Zealand and in Tasmania, there being nobody physically there to challenge or ridicule my belief in the God of the Bible. From memory, in my broadcasting ministry spanning over ten years, I can only remember one person in Christchurch ringing to criticize something I had said or music I had played - and he was a man who was known to be a little "strange" in his outlook. Some may say that he was perhaps "a sausage short of a barbecue", but perhaps that would be being unkind.
The Bible says in Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.
I think of my evangelist friend from New Zealand, Ray Comfort*, who was also the associate pastor of the church I attended for several years when I was working in Christchurch in the 80's.
He now heads up a far-reaching ministry based in California, USA. Ray was, and still is, a man who is very bold and courageous in his stand for Jesus publicly. He is not a tall man, so it was a common sight to see Ray every week day in the Christchurch Cathedral Square at lunchtime drawing crowds of people, as he stood on a small stepladder boldly proclaiming for all to hear the powerful message of the gospel. He had plenty of hecklers, as well as some competition from the then iconic Christchurch "Wizard", but Ray persevered over the years with boldness and courage, and saw much fruit for the kingdom of God. Even though his ministry is respected by many leaders in the Body of Christ (the Church) worldwide today, and he could easily confine himself to the safety of a television or radio studio, or a welcoming church, to proclaim his message, he still regularly witnesses to individuals face to face in the marketplace settings of southern California, where he now lives, as well as in other places. 
In the first chapter of Joshua, as we see Joshua preparing to lead the children of Israel across the Jordan River into the land of Canaan, their Promised Land, or the Land of Promise, the Lord says to Joshua three times in verses 6 to 9 "Be strong and courageous". The Lord admonished Joshua and the Children of Israel to give close heed to the Law, the written Word of God to them at that time, given to and through Moses. If they would be careful to observe and meditate in the Law day and night, the promise was that the Lord would be with them wherever they went, as they boldly and courageously followed Him.
We must do the same, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6:10 "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might", or in His mighty power as it says in the NIV. Christians are likened to soldiers in an army. We are in a battle, and as soldiers in an earthly physical army, we, like them must be bold and very courageous as we engage in the spiritual battles for the hearts and souls of men, to see them delivered from the grasp of our arch foe, Satan. 
To be continued....................

To access Ray Comfort's extensive ministry material, go to

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